60x60bbSmoothie Swipe


Smoothie Swipe Lemons

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  • Cheri the Quilting Nanny
    Cheri the Quilting Nanny

    You have to get 5 fruits to make one lemon and 5 lemons to make 1 lime...meanwhile the tumble weeds cover everything very quickly....quicker than you can delete them while trying to save your lemons. Been 3 weeks on this level...getting annoyed and might just end the game. I don't think it can be achieved....unless there is a trick I can't figure out! Anyone????

    · 27 Dec 02:24

    Comment found on Stuck on Smoothie Swipe Level 168?

  • georgianna cherinchak
    georgianna cherinchak

    i am trying to play smoothie swipe game on my laptop and do not know what the goal is? I get a lot of fruits 5 in a row, then the lemons come, then what? 30 seconds are over and I keep losing. Can you help me?

    · 26 Apr 15:58

    Comment found on Smoothie Swipe

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