
Kirsten Faeth

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    Kirsten Faeth commented on Candy Crush Saga Reality Level 105 tips and strategies

    Hey ok so I checked out level 105 for ya. I remember that one now. The trick I found is first deal with the bomb in the center, just plan your moves and boom (jk) you'll get it. Then of course bombs will continue to fall here and there, don't let them get you all freaked out. They don't have to be dealt with right away, you got time to get 'em. For this one, well most of the levels, I go for the package candy and a stripped one ( I call 'em jaw-breakers ) swiping these 2 candies together gives you a nice clearing up and down the rows. Also keep in mind that it's easier when you clear the jelly from the top left and right corners and.... This is a big and.... always spin the wheel daily!!! I'm telling ya, those goodies come in real handy! It never fails, you get down to one jelly and no way to get to it, right? That's when you use your lollipop and smack it! Next thing you know, the game is telling you, ya crushed it! Sweet! Hope it helps, it has me!

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