
Richard Mosley

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    Richard Mosley commented on Bejeweled Stars: Stuck on level 512 . ...

    Diana Singleton. First, well done for overcoming 512. Not easy was it...? 514? Yes, another annoying one! I got 2 gem stars (?) TOGETHER THREE times, and exploded them as close to the middle isolated gravel square as possible. The explosion strength IS sufficient to reach and clear that nasty one piece of gravel. Note - a SINGLE gem star exploding does not have the 'strength' when exploding to reach the gravel. The difficult bit (luck?) is getting the 2 stars TOGETHER in the right place on the board to reach the gravel.Got it?

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    Richard Mosley commented on Bejeweled Stars: Stuck on level 512 . ...

    BTW - I'm now on level 534 and - so far! - none of the levels after 512 have been difficult. So...keep trying, they're not all 512s...

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    Richard Mosley commented on Bejeweled Stars: Stuck on level 512 . ...

    This level was a BEAST - by FAR the most difficult. I spent almost 2 weeks getting nowhere, then used some advice shown here (thanks - I'd NEVER had done it without) and got a bit of luck and completed, with an unbelievable 7 moves to spare...! For what it's worth, my advice for fellow strugglers: 1) Stock up with as many different gems as possible beforehand. 2) Don't be 'trigger-happy' - ONLY use these gems when you have a realistic (i.e. very few outstanding gravel remaining) chance of success. 3) I got lucky with a 5 square together thing (HyperSwapper?) which looks like a square present, 4) this then kindly landed next to a, is it called a Star Gem? - (sorry, not so good on what they're all called!) so I 'linked' to that which then destroyed most of the remaining gravel - NOT all though! 5) Other than the bottom row of gravel, I was left with 1 'corner' square on the 3rd to bottom row which I used a Flame Gem (?) to destroy, 6) which then left only the bottom row of Gravel which I used the Wild Bull to see me to a MOST relieved (and a bit lucky!) victory. Note: I don't think you'll complete without the Wild Bull - or it will be V difficult without. Hope this is of some help and good luck. Don't give up!!

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