
Dylan McAdam

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    Dylan McAdam commented on Hempire - Weed Growing Game: How can I get the...

    what ever strain you want to upgrade, put that one in first, as the mother strain. when you go to put the second strain in as the farther, you see a list of possible attributes it will upgrade. only ever 3 different ones, but each 3 has an equal-ish chance of being chosen and each attribute has a range, this range denotes how much it can possibly upgrade, if you look in each box, you will notice a graph, shaded in green. the graphs always show positive correlation (if you know what i mean by that) it basically moves from bottom left to top right, when the arrow stops, the attribute it lands on will upgrade equivalent to where it lines up to on the graph. if you land on bonus, then you get to spin again and whatever attribute it lands on will upgrade to the max for that level (bronze, silver and so on), you also have the option to respin for gems or by watching a video if it doesnt land on the one you hoped for. once you max out the attribute on a particular level of strain (bronze and so fourth) then you cant upgrade it anymore so if you land on that attribute thats maxed, then you receive nothing, thats why its useful to respin. if you mix particular strains together, you can get a chance of making a new strain (if you havent already found it), the chance is pretty high so sometimes its useful to respin if you did not land on the 'new strain' block. you WILL know if you have a chance to make a new strain because a giant block will take up most of the bar on the screen with the words "NEW STRAIN" in it.

    well.... hope this helps

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    Dylan McAdam commented on Hempire - Weed Growing Game: How can I get the...

    you must fully upgrade all of its properties through breeding it as the mother strain, different father strains will produce different levels of upgrades of each attribute

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    Dylan McAdam commented on Hempire - Weed Growing Game: How do I get Hindu...

    this page tells you how to, find the combinations of strians

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