
David Britt

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    David Britt commented on Ancient Aliens: The Game: How do I cheat and...

    Takes time, don't be discouraged when you see other players who are further along. I enjoy trying to maximize efficiency, others enjoy the aesthetics of building a city (the Sim City idea). However you enjoy the game is up to you.

    To build pyramids and advance in the game, there are two strategies overall, keep in mind you are always limited with Building Slots based on your experience level.

    OPTION #1: Invest heavily in Temples to generate PD, and therefore use that to add blocks to the pyramid. This means YOU are building the Pyramids yourself, but this strategy can be very effective once you build a lot of Temples to generate PD.

    OPTION #2: Focus on improving the efficiency of workers building the pyramid, meaning you let the game do the building for you.

    Both good options, "K Aiken", who has posted here, follows option #1 and I'm sure is happy to answer questions, but I prefer option #2 (I like making the game do the pyramid building for me rather than rely on me physically being online in order to build). If you want to follow option #2, here's 10 tips for players who are new, or players looking to improve:

    1. Move your Quarries to the SE and SW edges of the pyramid you are working on, this decreases the distance workers need to travel.
    2. Always upgrade houses and farms to maximum so you take advantage of every building slot. Ultimately you always need more workers. (Eventually you'll need to start making more houses than you have farms because houses generate DNA, and you'll need lots of DNA for the later Research quests and upgrade workers).
    3. Build Glyphs and use the Spinner. Once you can create "Riddles of..." Glyphs, you can generate all the resources you need (except DNA). You can also get this stuff, plus other goodies, by using Iridium for the Spinner. (NOTE: When using the Spinner, you occasionally get rewarded with a "Upgraded Worker". It will upgrade the lowest level worker, so it is a good idea to keep all of your troops at a high level if possible so you get the best upgrade when this happens. i.e. You are trying to upgrade to have more Savants... simply get all of your Humans upgraded to Minotaurs using DNA, and then the Spinner will save you the cost of researching those Savants when it gives you the Upgrade Worker reward. See below for how to get more DNA.)
    4. Obelisks of Aswan and Crystalisks are much better than normal obelisks because they don't take up a Building slot. You can place these around Mines, Houses, and Quarries to increase their production speed. See below.
    5. Pay attention to the progress bar on the quarries: If it pauses every so often, then you have room to add more workers to that quarry... if it never pauses, you have too many workers in that quarry. If you have too many workers, then you can add Obelisks of Aswan or Crystalisks around them to increase the rate of the progress bar, and make more room for workers in the Quarry(s). If you have too many pauses in the progress bar and not enough workers, you can add Breweries to increase the speed the workers travel (need less workers per quarry to be efficient). This is a constant balancing act.
    6. Place a ton of Obelisk of Aswan or Crystalisks around Houses, Mines and Temples to boost the frequency that you can collect resources - This will help you upgrade troops, research, build, create Iridium Glyphs, and overall speed up the game. Note: If you place a single Temple near your Houses/Mines/Obelisks then you will constantly generate more PD than it costs to collect other resources.
    7. Breweries and Crucibles - Always use your top workers to fill these, but only fill one or the other at a time (share the workers between them). You only need to have workers in the Crucibles when you INITIATE A NEW BUILD, then you can remove them and you still get the reduced construction time. So when I want to build something, I'll take the high level troops from my brewery(s) and use them to fill the Crucibles, start building, then immediately put them back in the Brewery(s).
    8. You only really need 3-4 Crucibles at the most, just enough so you don't have to wait for Large Farms and Large Houses to complete. It will depend on the level of troops you have in each Crucible.
    9. Remove any useless buildings, like the statues from early quests, that take up a building slot but don't provide any benefit.
    10. When you reach the point you can upgrade to Mega Farms using the Oasis - you can actually add 12 farms per Oasis... Place all 12 SMALL Farms (you will probably need to Sell and then reBuild so you can start with Small Farms) around the Oasis with each having a shared edge with the Oasis, then upgrade them all at once... upgrade all Small to Medium, then upgrade all Medium to Large, the Large to Mega... they will start to overlap and it can be hard to select them to upgrade, but I believe in you.

    Good Luck!

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    David Britt commented on Ancient Aliens: The Game: How do I cheat and...

    Place a ton of Obelisks of Aswan around your houses, they decrease the time it takes to collect. Use either Obelisks of Aswan or Crystalisks because those don't count against your building total. Also a good idea to lump your mines in with the houses so you can collect gold more often too.

    See my screen shot, with this setup I have a single yeti in each mine, and I collect DNA and gold about every 7 minutes. This is the best way to "cheat" at collecting.

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    David Britt commented on Ancient Aliens: The Game: Hey new player here just...

    Haha, did I just start a battle? Didn't mean to. All I'm talking about is being efficient, and letting the game do the work building the pyramid rather than rely on your own efforts collecting PD every couple hours (or more often). As an added bonus of building houses instead of temples, you get more DNA which is hard to come by when you are still on the first pyramid (as this post relates to). Yes, yes, I see you have lots of resources in your world and lots of surplus everything, but that's not realistic for newer players. I gave him my advice having been at that same point only a couple weeks ago.

    But if we're going to measure dicks here, take a look at my world. I have zero inefficiencies, including zero obelisks (only crystalisks that I've won, they don't take up a building slot), plus the balancing act of how many farms/workers is most efficient. The addition of the Glyphs in the spinner has made things easy, however tedious. I put all my irridium towards the spinner, and end up harvesting more gold, xenon, and irridium than I know what to do with (not to mention PD from the spinner). BUT THE DNA IS THE SCARCE RESOURCE. The houses remain the only solid way of collecting DNA.

    So to summarize, advice for someone working on their first pyramid:
    1) Invest in Breweries = increase speed of workers overall.
    2) With 5 breweries containing savants, only have farms enough to feed about 15 workers per quarry. This number changes if you have fewer/more breweries, additional crystalisks/obelisks around quarries, more enhanced workers, etc. Watch the status bar for one of your quarries, if it ever pauses then it means you need more/faster workers in that quarry.
    3) Build houses whenever possible - destroy any buildings that are unnecessary after they fulfill the quest requirements, make room.
    4) Invest all irridium into the spinner - now that there are Glyphs to win, those will give you tons of resources including more irridium to sustain this practice. You will need PD to harvest Glyphs, but you will gain plenty as you spin. You will also win plenty of crystalisks, these do not consume a building spot, so replace your obelisks with crystalisks whenever possible.

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    David Britt commented on Ancient Aliens: The Game: Hey new player here just...

    Screw multiple PD temples, you only need 1 as long as you have the Sphinx and Sun Temple. it does help to dump your extra PD into blocks for the pyramid each time you sign off, but you're better off using those building spaces for other things. Also, destroy the two statues and any other buildings that don't serve a purpose (some are permanent though).

    You want to maximize the SPEED of your WORKERS and your QUARRIES. So, build multiple breweries to increase the speed of workers - I built 5 breweries and put 15 savants in each, worked really well (125% total speed increase). For the quarries, I read on the Facebook page ( that if you place multiple obelisks around the quarries then it speeds up how fast they produce blocks. I didn't test that out though because I had already completed the first pyramid and I'm needing to research Robotics before I can start cutting stones for the second pyramid, so my workers are idle right now.

    The game is a constant balancing act of # houses vs. # farms. You want to have more houses than farms after a certain point because they are the only thing that produces DNA, and you'll need a lot over time so you want as many houses as possible. Pay attention to the number of workers you have in each quarry, I found that with my 5 breweries and no extra obelisks, 10-15 workers per quarry was ideal, anything more is overkill and you're wasting the building slots (on farms).

    To give you a reference, the 362,880 block quest is achieved on level 58 of the pyramid, and after that it goes really quick.
    Good Luck!

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