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Nathan Pinter

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    Afdzucpksnwswsuwlhixv gzvjudcrfpqgkegvxw257xcvg=s96 c
    Nathan Pinter commented on Tips for aa Level 758

    Place two dots when the wheel speeds up. If you place a dot while the wheel is at the “slow” speed, it will come to a complete stop, forcing you to lose. I placed dot ‘20’ to the left of the first black dot. Then the wheel started turning clockwise, and I waited for it to start turning at it’s “high” speed, and then I placed dots ‘19’ and ‘18’ back to back. Then I just repeated that until I completed the level.

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    Afdzucpksnwswsuwlhixv gzvjudcrfpqgkegvxw257xcvg=s96 c
    Nathan Pinter just signed up. Welcome, Nathan!
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