60x60bbTerraGenesis - Space Settlers


TerraGenesis - Space Settlers hodium

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  • Matthew Wical
    Matthew Wical

    My Planet i started with is Ragnarok, arguably the hardest planet with absurd atmosphere and temperature levels.
    firstly, convert all the free GP's to money allowing you to research all the Ores to Rhodium. this should leave you with 3 million credits.
    Second, build an outpost and freeball a place with a big Rhodium vein. (if you cant just restart) then start placing other less valuable mines.
    Since you dont need a colony to work mines, all the profits will be put straight for the account. once you have enough money, build another outpost. no need to restart as you already have a rhodium mine.
    Third, build a bank account. Once a mine runs out, destroy it and put a new one in, (make sure you upgrade the mines)
    Fourth, Establish a colony. Place your first colony in a good place and research Hab Domes, start researching and building Buildings in reducing atmosphere as this will be your greatest challenge.
    Repeat 3 and 4 till Expenses are getting close to profits. Build more outposts, and build a second Colony.
    I currently have 3 outposts making 130 grand each because of perfect rhodium and palladium outpost placements.
    fifth, build spaceport and build the Acedemy, using the extra 100% buff solves any problem with economies for almost the whole game.
    sixth, terraform the planet, build satellites, BUILD POPULATION, without population you will be 150 real life years old by the time your able to leave the Habitats.
    ill leave the rest to you but ill give you the money and pop stats by the time i was able to colonize,
    the minimum i could wait was with 2 colonies with 500k each, 5 outposts with 2 main rhodium mines.

    · 24 Nov 21:44

    Comment found on TerraGenesis - Space Settlers: The initial intro walk -...

  • Andrew Collings
    Andrew Collings

    My first settlement went flat broke in a day by following the tutorial, so I re-started the game and ignored environment and population to research the mining tree instead. Start off be researching up to Palladium, then place an outpost and begin mining; drop 4-5 mines per outpost, making sure to search for the most expensive minerals FIRST and making your way down through the mineral tree to silver (don't bother with carbon or iron until you've stripped everything else out); this should get your cashflow heading upward nicely. Once your finances are back up to decent levels, research Rhodium and establish another two outposts, rinse and repeat; Within a day I was up to 20 million and rising. After three days I'm up to 71 million and ready to start working on terraforming

    · 21 Nov 10:08

    Comment found on TerraGenesis - Space Settlers: The initial intro walk -...