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Demon Fox Next event

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  • Grilled Merman
    Grilled Merman

    Going by that logic then, Naruto is Jiraiya's god child so it would only make sense for himawari and Boruto to be with him lol I'm just glad the team 7 cc has been released for boutiques. I've got 50 frags so far since I bought Madaras t5 cloak so the next event I should have it. Should be a fair amount of cp when I get it. Might have to change my form up a little though. 1 more Minato event and I'll have the Kakashi, Obito, and Minato cc as well so I might just take out the Naruto/Jiraiya cc and the Oro/Sas cc and replace them for that and the Sakura/Sasuke ccs then I should be close to 240m

    · 22 Jun 17:24

    Comment found on Demon Fox: Why is there a happiness...

  • b m
    b m

    probably part of the next event

    · 01 Apr 03:48

    Comment found on Demon Fox: How do you get April...

  • b m
    b m

    In regards to the 8 tails, i don't know exactly what will work and sometimes you might need to attack 3 times before you get the chance to win. Try a few different formations out but personally i would just wait until i get better stuff because it will become much easier once you have them. As for the nww, here is an overview: the typical formations that go 100+ have a formation that normally starts with a full stun, buff from orochimaru, strong attacks. The typical formation would be kakashi-hashi-orochimaru-kankuro-sand brosis-sauske. The second formation you can see pretty frequently has the naruto family cc which basically lowers the enemies tenacity to zero for most of the nww levels. It is recommended that you get this since you have boruto and also since it only costs like 20 boutiques. Now in regards to a good nww formation using the cards you have currently, i just want to say that before i had a good enough team, i was getting to 40-50 every day because, at the time, 50-100 had gotten alot harder to do without the previously mentioned formations. First, SAVE ALL YOUR GOLD. you will want to save up like 100k for a boutique event. If a boutique event comes and you haven't reached the 100k yet, you can still get boutiques from farming dungeon packages. At that time, you will want to wait to even consider spending gold till the last day and then only spend it if you would be able to collect enough boutiques to get the fire of heritage from the store. If not, save for the next event.

    Sorry for the paragraph i just thought that would be a good thing to keep in mind. as for a current nww formation:
    I would try putting a stunner or sealer in the first position. Hinata if she has the chakra seal punch passive, naruto if you have the sexy jutsu, maybe boruto or mizuki since they have a chance at stunning/sealing. i would probably remove kabuto and tsunade. Have kabuto rienforce sauske a bit. Replace with something else. I am not sure what other cards you might have so i can't give really good advice other than there is probably a better option for your current formation. Tsunade's healing becomes irrelevant as you progress since the enemies would do much more damage than she would be able to heal and even if you do have her sww unique skill that cancels an enemy unique skill, the enemies unique skill isn't the problem, its normally the normal attack. Always avoid these stages if you can: pain summon beasts, kakazu, pain, I think the puppets, daedra. I think those were the right ones. If you cant avoid fighting these, them make sure you fight stage c for example if daedra is the only option in stages a, b and c, choose c. Hope this helps

    · 21 Mar 04:16

    Comment found on Demon Fox: Is there anyway I can...

  • Mairhpe

    Flower Haku/zab next event?

    · 20 Mar 18:34

    Comment found on Demon Fox: Aight Bitches , Update summary...

  • b m
    b m

    you normally get the event rewards at the start of the next event. You should get them tomorrow

    · 06 Mar 01:22

    Comment found on Demon Fox: So it ’ s probably...

  • b m
    b m

    saved mine. 10 short of madara so i gotta wait for the next event

    · 20 Feb 23:21

    Comment found on Demon Fox: what did you get with...

  • Grilled Merman
    Grilled Merman

    There was a Sasuke event not too long ago so the 4th should be coming around soon if not in the next event

    · 19 Nov 23:14

    Comment found on Demon Fox: Does anyone know of an...

  • b m
    b m

    you get hashirama by purchasing uzumaki keys from the store to fight the zombie trials event dungeon. it takes roughly 200ish to get one hashirama depending on your luck so if you have a lot of gold on the black Friday half off store sale then you might want to think about buying them.

    For the 120k, that is just the amount it takes to collect every consumption package during a boutique event. I think you can get like 11 plus packages that have a chance to drop more boutique packages for that price. You can spend the 50k if you wanted but if you don't have any, I would save it for the next event unless there was some other good card or equip that you want for that price. I wouldn't do it unless it was very useful though. For 50k I think you can get like 5 or something. you can go through on the notice page and find the last boutique event to see the consumption prizes. the certs normally stay for the same amount of gold. The last boutique event was either September or October I think

    · 14 Nov 17:26

    Comment found on Demon Fox: I don ’ t get...

  • Grilled Merman
    Grilled Merman

    Next event should be Minato

    · 10 Nov 05:33

    Comment found on Demon Fox: Should I go for naruto...

  • Grilled Merman
    Grilled Merman

    Ohhhh okay I got ya and damn, so I could just take oro off my team completely and put in jiruto or OroSas then. My OroSas is stronger by far but the Jiruto does do true damage. Hmm. Ohhh those characters, yeah I just got the Broze En, I don't recharge in the game so I'm hoping they might release one of them in the next event of that as a gold draw reward. Also, who the hell does the Jinchuuriki reinforce? Seems as if my cp isn't affected either way if the 3 tails is on or off. Or they just don't reinforce cc's? Do you have itachi on your team? Isn't that the only character that kisame reinforces? Sorry for all the q's lol

    · 24 Oct 12:52

    Comment found on Demon Fox: Well , this is my...

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