
Ping Pong Hit by liang zhou

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App Details
  • Price: Free
  • Genre(s): Games, Action, Casual
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Release Date: October 25, 2021
  • Description:

    This is a game about table tennis. You are an excellent table tennis player and have entered the World Table Tennis Competition.
    In this competition,different countires’players will get together,compare notes and compete with each other.
    The competition adopts the knockout system, and there is a pairwise showdown. Thus entering the semi-finals, followed by the most intense and exciting finals.
    You will compete with the opponent on the international stage.
    If you win, you will be full of honor, otherwise you have to leave with reget.
    Come and download it!Start your journey to the ping-pong world championship!

    Playing Methods:
    Touch the screen to manipulate the track of a ping-pong racket, tapping it into a mild return.
    Move your fingers quickly for smashing.

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