Chad Duerksen
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Pure luck
Chad Duerksen voted pure luck to Can't get past Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 228?
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 225 tips and strategies
Took buying 10 extra moves to complete. Impossible otherwise. Be prepared to pay up, many of the jelly levels require money to even have a chance at "winning."
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 793 walkthrough
Impossible without paying for help. Another badly designed level where you get exactly 16 of 20 EVERY time. That's just bad design and way too impossible.
Pure luck
Chad Duerksen voted pure luck to Can't get past Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 177?
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 175 walkthrough
Sigh, another virtually impossible level, like the last 100 or so. Takes 100 tries to get a decent board, and by then you don't car anymore because all the fun has gone out of the game. Takes paying to win quickly. The monkey levels are always impossible and never give you enough orange to win,
Pure luck
Chad Duerksen voted pure luck to Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 175 walkthrough
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 756 tips and strategies
Yet another level that takes buying extra moves. Every single game ends 2-3 moves shy of winning, which is proof it's rigged to make you pay. Cheap game and company.
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 171 walkthrough
Sadly its not possible. I'll wait for a fix because even getting 2 orange coloring candies wasn't nearly enough, and you barely get a few per game anyway. Not paying for 30 extra moves to finish. I'll wait until the game is actually fair. Most levels on this one require 5 extra moves (or are built to win with 5 extra), so it shows King's desperation to choose money over making something fair and playable.
Pure luck
Chad Duerksen voted pure luck to Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 171 walkthrough
Chad Duerksen commented on Stuck on Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 163?
Sadly, takes extra moves to win. Impossible any other way unless you want to play 500 times waiting for the game to give you the one board that wins.
Pure luck
Chad Duerksen voted pure luck to Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 153 walkthrough
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 153 walkthrough
That's not 153.
Chad Duerksen commented on How to beat Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 149?
Dang, another impossible level without paying. Bad game design means most games there's no winner, but starting off 4 deep in the hole is impossible to catch up to.
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 670 walkthrough
Got tired of playing an impossible level and yeah, took buying 20 extra moves to pass. Sadly, this is the only way. Any video that shows otherwise was rigged, since the one combo you need never shows up in the 200+ times I played it. Piece of shit level from a piece of shit company.
Pure luck
Chad Duerksen voted pure luck to Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 670 walkthrough
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Soda Saga Level 670 walkthrough
Impossible. Takes an impossible combo that only comes along once in a blue moon. Needs a fix so it's fair, since it's purely a cheap cash grab level.
Chad Duerksen commented on Tips for Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 113
Sadly after about 50 attempts, had to pay for the extra moves and boosters to finish. Impossible otherwise, as becoming the case for this game. King is desperate and can't make anything anymore that doesn't require pay for most levels.
Pure luck
Chad Duerksen voted pure luck to Tips for Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 113
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 111 walkthrough
Another level that requires pay for extra moves, since the computer is set up to let itself win and gets all the lucky candy placement. Unfair, but that's what you come to expect from King. Rarely can you even get 1 or 2 of the 4 needed. Several of the last few levels all require pay.
Chad Duerksen commented on Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 109 walkthrough
Another impossible level without paying. Every level reshuffles multiple times and never gives you a chance. 1 of the 4 worms is all you can realistically get without paying, and that's a super cheat move by King. Needs a fix so it's actually winnable.
Pure luck
Chad Duerksen voted pure luck to Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 109 walkthrough
Pure luck
Chad Duerksen voted pure luck to Stuck on Candy Crush Jelly Saga Level 102?