Barry Tonkonow
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Barry Tonkonow commented on Stuck on aa Level 108?
You have to get two in all of them except one that needs 3 dots. When you start the level, there will be a section that is slightly bigger than the rest. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING IN THAT ONE UNTIL THE END. (Unless you would like to try to get 21 exactly in the middle so you can fit 20 and 19 next to 21 - That's what you'll have to do for 3, 2, and 1) TRY TO SINGLE OFF THAT SECTION UNTIL THE END SO YOU DONT ACCIDENTLY PUT ANY DOTS IN THERE. it'll take a while to get it.
Barry Tonkonow commented on Tips for aa Level 123
Don't add any dots until all the blank dots have shown up, there's 8. After that just add your numbered dots
Barry Tonkonow just signed up. Welcome, Barry!
Barry Tonkonow commented on Can't get passed aa Level 128?
It might take a bit to get the hang of, but in the first rotation put 15 and 14 together when it gets slow for the first time, when it gets slow for the second time put 13 and 12 together. When it gets slow for the third time, put 11 and 10 together. Then it'll go around again and get slow right before the 15 and 14 section, put 9 ONLY in the section right before 15 and 14 as close as possible. Do the same for the next two slow sections. When it gets slow again, put 6 in the same section as 9 etc.
Barry Tonkonow stuck on Stuck on aa Level 170?