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StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Virtual Town: How can i find the...
Mine rocks
StarStyleCakeyMiner wrote a post Virtual Town: Do u need fertilizer for...
Do u need fertilizer for
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Virtual Town: I need to know if...
I have 48% beauty but I still didn't get new people cuz I didn't have 5 food sources and you already can get new people at 46% beauty, u just need 5 food sources. If u click the beauty meter, it will say it
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Virtual Town: Where can I find sulphur...
Just be patient, sometimes they don't apear until a week or so
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Virtual Town: How do you pick up...
U mean dropped literally or furniture that was placed down?
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Virtual Town: Does the mayor ever need...
I think its just glitches
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Virtual Town: * Money Cheat *. When...
Its cux of the update I think
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Virtual Town: I can ' t pick...
The daisy one is a Daisy Lemonbush. It may be a glitch or it just isn't fully grown yet
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: What foods do Pakkas hate...
Nello is most likly to reject.
StarStyleCakeyMiner wrote a post Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: help ! I glitched my...
help ! I glitched my
StarStyleCakeyMiner wrote a post Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How to get tiger shrimp...
How to get tiger shrimp
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: If you accidentally sell your...
Try iron and iron and stone or replace stone with mushroom
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How does one get fairy...
You can get some from the mine
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: Howhat can you earn a...
Tap, drag and drop, or make your Pakka pet run every once in a while
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How do you get Mayonaka...
I tried aload of times to get mayonka too, and when I got max discipline, my Pakka pet became hungry at last moment, rage....
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: What would be considered a...
Don't make them too not fat or they'll be thin and get sick more
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How do you get Mayonaka...
If you click the thing to see your pets hunger and stuff, click the magnifying glass too see what the doctor thinks. You'll see beside the picture of the doctor, there is words. That is what the doctor considers your pet's other stats as.
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How do u make a...
I got a lemon
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How do I make my...
Search it on Google 5hen
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: What foods to the blue...
They do hate broccoli
StarStyleCakeyMiner wrote a post Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How do you make tamale...
How do you make tamale
StarStyleCakeyMiner wrote a post Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: What is sewer for ? ...
What is sewer for ?
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: I have a problem i...
I used 1 water
StarStyleCakeyMiner commented on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How do you make a...
And how to make tamale?