
VaNiesha Honani

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    VaNiesha Honani commented on Zombie Castaways: Christmas island

    February Gate:
    I could only find it after I hacked all the way back to January Gate to get the box and the presents. I couldn't find the last present hidden in the bottom right of the screen until I went into Builder's MODE (click arrow at bottom right:Square)
    I opened the last present (I over did it and hacked around the clock but to save you some $/time once you open that last raggedy blue present hidden in the trees - stay in builders mode
    Go back to where January is and you will see that hidden by the trees in normal view are ice bushes - just hack away in that area and then finally you will be able to hack the tree. The February gate will be revealed and opened with the key you just got. Then go straight back as mentioned about. But continue to use Mode as much as you can to see your way thru. Took me forever and I was getting so mad! lol

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