
Michele Valdez

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    Michele Valdez commented on 1010! Block Puzzle Game: high score

    I love 1010...totally thought provoking and strategic game. I've played, seemingly completely immersed and paying attention to my every placement, then BAM! Out of nowhere a 6-tile line or 9-tile block shows up that I failed to stay prepared for.

    Recently played for hours, over several days so I remained "sharp & attentive" and chose the wrong 10,652...second to the highest score I've had yet . My all time high was 11,851. I didn't figure out the (now obvious) scoring until several weeks after I started playing, and knowing that the number of points you earn equals the numbers of moves you've made somehow makes it that much harder to take a loss!

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    Michele Valdez just signed up. Welcome, Michele!
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