
Judy Swann

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Now for the anomalies : ...

    For the newbies, there are 7 anomalies: Bats, Distortions, Sinister Shadows, Poltergeists, Night Terrors Electrum and Boggarts. As for the different modes, or as I call them "conditions" that each location can be played, there are 7 of those, too: Words, Night, Silhouettes, Past, Reflections, Backward Words and Similar Items.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Coffee grinder in mistress bedroom

    As for the coffee grinder, sometimes it sits on the arm rest of the red arm chair located on the left side of the room. It's a dull brown hue, so it's sometimes hard to see on a small screen like on a laptop.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Coffee grinder in mistress bedroom

    My question involves friend requests. I want to know is there a way to stop friend requests from being sent to me. I have so many friends that it takes me way longer to gift and visit than to play the actual game now. I think it's rude to ignore the requests, so if there is a game setting to stop them from showing up please let me know. Thanks.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Next up , assemblers for...

    Good eye and catch. For the new comers, the "gift list" is under your friends on the "FRIENDS" icon where you visit and gift assemblers and collection items to them, and where they give you gifts and request items.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: How do you activate the...

    There's a booth outside of the Christmas Hall near the roadside/corner of the street called "Magical Items". There was a
    "Christmas Talent" (Case #33) investigation that gave you bells which activated the site. Don't know how much help this was, but that is what opened the site for me.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: The next catagory is for...

    Hmmm, good questions. 1-Doesn't seem like the tokens/keys found during special events, like the hidden key in the Masquerade Ball during Halloween event, or the keys being offered to find in the present Christmas School event, are carried over to the next season/event in the game. However, the keys that are listed as "rewards" in places like Angela's Park are swapped out at the end of the season and replaced on a 1:1 ratio with whatever the next reward key is needed to be successful in the next round (season/event/new adventure) of the game.
    2-If you do receive a token or key, it isn't apparent--meaning you don't see one fly into your inventory. I don't think that happens, but maybe someone else out there knows for sure. It just hasn't happened to me as far as I know. Certain questions you can contact G5 with. They're a bit slow, though.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Next up , assemblers for...

    Usually you can buy them in the store, but assembler items for the final collection that the quest "assemblers" make--I don't know what the correct term for it is--cannot be requested. Example: In the collections under "The City", you can collect the Christmas Light collection that produces the "Christmas Sphere" artifact. You can request the items in the Christmas Light collection, but you can not request someone to send you one of their Christmas Sphere artifacts, if they have collected more than one. Any item in the collection that has a tiny scroll with a plus-sign in the top left hand corner of it is an item that can be requested on your wish list. Some event assemblers can be purchased at the "Store" on the "Other" tab. Others are just found while playing the game. You can also purchase artifacts at the store in chests, which is found on the "Chest" tab. Chests come in 4, 8, or 12 'collectible object' sizes. I have bought a couple of chests for the keys--didn't do me any good, at least not where I saw it helping me open the chests of defeated monsters or getting into special locations.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Now for the anomalies : ...

    Well, first of all, you can purchase tools to make certain anomalies appear. However, a few days ago, just for laughs, I tried to go through each of the locations to see if there were patterns for when certain conditions appeared in that area. In some areas, it seems that the reflection mode is certainly followed by a past mode. However, on other days, the same location produced a different set of mode/anomalies rotation. I think the algorithm is different at least every other day. So most of the time, I just play until what I'm looking for comes up. But I will say that I do notice that when I close out of the game for the day I make note of where certain modes are located. The next time I open it, they usually are different.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: And last , the 4...

    Timothy, glad you've joined. I'm not a veteran of the game or anything so I don't know if any of the "advice" I give will really be meaningful to you, but I will tell you my experience with the game. I don't think the game automatically give keys. When you click on the "chest", if you don't have the key to open it, the "chest" will tell you the locations to search to find the keys if you can't buy them. Just click on the key and it will give you the hints where to go to look for them. At least, that's been my experience.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: When I am visiting friends...

    Does anyone know where I can find all the different levels and ranks that the game has-from lowest to very highest that can be achieved? Thanks.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Bottle of elixers i used...

    It seems like the last four energies on the bottom of your energy inventory page goes to providing you energy when you're visiting friends. It seems like this somehow helps them while you're on their page charging locations/totems.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: How do you do the...

    I read somewhere in another G5 Hidden City Mystery of Shadows forum that there are mega assemblers that can't be asked for, but certainly can be gifted someone--anyone know what that is and were to find it? Sometimes people don't request an assembler and I'd love to give this one to them since it seems like it would be one that everyone would need. Thanks.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Hi . I have a...

    It's my experience that you can only give out one free item, or assembler, to a friend each day, and up to 50 items total each day among all your friends, which include collection items. Usually friends ask for items several times a day, so when I first go into my game each day I go to the news feed and look on the Friends' Feed to see who has asked for what since I last was in my game. That way I get more current request from them than the one that just sits on the "Friends" tab where you can gift and visit everyone you trade with. Hope this helps in the future.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Hello , so I started...

    I learned the hard way that you don't assemble the items before completing the quests the characters direct you to complete. I've had to ask other players to gift the missing items. I've also bought the % options and chests to place in my inventory, but if the item is rare, then you either have to play until it shows up again--sometimes after you reach another level--or ask someone to gift. That has been my experience.

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    Judy Swann commented on Hidden City: Maybe I ' m blind...

    Maybe there's another thing to consider. I'm at a point in the game where Juliette tells me that the fountain becomes transparent (invisible). It has been that way for days now. I am getting gift boxes from other players, but there's no where for them to go that I see. I've accepted them, but I certainly can't open something that doesn't have a place to be in the game. There's nothing on the right hand side of the game that even indicates I have gifts. So, there's a puzzle for you. I'm trying to find others that have hit this mark in the game to see what they've done or where they went from this point.

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