
Timothy Estes

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    Timothy Estes commented on Hidden City: The next catagory is charter...

    I have started a new game on my phone, while the old game is on my Amazon Fire Tablet. I have found that at level 2 (on my phone) the Station Attendant set my "class" as per my actions in the game. I still have not found where the info for that is listed/displayed.

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    Timothy Estes commented on Hidden City: Next up , assemblers for...

    I did find the seasonal event assemblers on the very end of the Gift list and Other tab (under inventory ). You need to be a certain level to unlock them or unlock with rubies. I too cheap to spend rubies to see if I could add them to my wish list after that.

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    Timothy Estes commented on Hidden City: And last , the 4...

    I get the keys by playing the mini game Bells. And each morning, the ones that I got the night before have gone away. I currently have 3 and will watch my inventory at 11 pm (EST). This is when the new day starts for the game.

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