Aoh14ghfwoa g4mw2phzti3bk5qlspxgd2nxllx3foh29q=s96 c?sz=100

Aubrie Sink

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    Aoh14ghfwoa g4mw2phzti3bk5qlspxgd2nxllx3foh29q=s96 c
    Aubrie Sink commented on Travel Town: What does the letters from...

    The letters you merge into a mysterious island (you need 4 letters) and you get coin bundles and gems from that. and also every once in a while itll spit out a mysterious fossil. Have Fun!!

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    Aoh14ghfwoa g4mw2phzti3bk5qlspxgd2nxllx3foh29q=s96 c
    Aubrie Sink commented on Travel Town: I ’ m at level...

    The envelopes come from the shell bucket and if you click the bucket super fast to get a lot of pebbles, it will randomly spit out a mysterious letter. I am on level 15 and i have gotten 4 mysterious letters from doing this so now I have a mysterious island. The mysterious island usually popes out coin bundles and gems, but every once in a while it will pop out a mysterious fossil. Have fun!!

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    Aoh14ghfwoa g4mw2phzti3bk5qlspxgd2nxllx3foh29q=s96 c
    Aubrie Sink just signed up. Welcome, Aubrie!
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