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Cabruxa cabruxa

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    Cabruxa cabruxa commented on Help Wanted Ads

    I sent a comment to WOOGA, I also posted it on Facebook, if anyone else wants to reply and protest against the new "help Wanted" tasks, this is what I sent: I am very DISAPPOINTED with the game and ready to uninstall it from my computer and cell phone and recommend everyone to do the same! The "HELP WANTED" task notes are JUST A WAY FOR WOOGA TO FORCE THE PLAYER TO SPEND REAL MONEY ON THE GAME, it is disrespectful to the simple player who has been playing for years and the leagues that are not as competitive and will be impacted by those that have players those who have greater financial conditions to purchase "packages". Not to mention the BORING that transformed the game, because when the goals become almost impossible, you lose interest in playing. I want to remember that the majority of JJ players are women, over 30/40 years old, not necessarily super competitive and if they face too many obstacles they will simply give up on the game, just like me. I know there are many young people who command several leagues with high scores, but these are professional players and they ARE NOT JJ'S CAPTIVE AUDIENCE, think about that. I ASK YOU TO REMOVE THESE NEW TASKS FROM THE GAME AND RETURN TO THE OLD SYSTEM. Please guys, send your comments of disappointment to WOOGA and ask them to remove the new tasks from HELP WANTED at this link here These tasks are in testing currently. Send feedback to [email protected]
    The tasks are currently in testing. Send comments to [email protected] Por favor pessoal, enviem seus comentários de desapontamento para a WOOGA e peçam para retirarem as novas tarefas do HELP WANTED nesse link aqui These tasks are in testing currently. Send feedback to [email protected]

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    Aedftp7gg9famjhm7dlkxgi swin nkqw9zdp5dplbpf=s96 c
    Cabruxa cabruxa commented on Help Wanted Ads

    Alguém por favor sabe dizer quais são os novos "HELP WANTED" agora para o mês de fevereiro de 2024? Não gostei nada das alterações feitas e acho que os jogadores devem reclamar junto a WOOGA, POIS ESSA É SÓ MAIS MANEIRA DE FORÇAR O JOGADOR A GASTAR DINHEIRO REAL NO JOGO. Eu já recebi o de "GASTE 20 DEJAVUS".

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    Aedftp7gg9famjhm7dlkxgi swin nkqw9zdp5dplbpf=s96 c
    Cabruxa cabruxa commented on Bushes

    I would like to know how the amount of prizes that each bush gives is determined, because sometimes I receive the same type of bush that produces 1,2,3 or even 5 diamonds, the same happens with tips, which come in smaller or larger quantities on the same type of bush. What is the rule? Sometimes I think that the longer it takes to sell the bush, the more rewards you receive, does anyone know exactly how this works? Gostaria de saber como é determinada a quantidade de prêmios que cada arbusto dá, porque as vezes recebo o mesmo tipo de arbusto que produz 1,2,3 ou até 5 diamantes, o mesmo acontece com as gorjetas, que vem em menores ou maiores quantidades no mesmo tipo de arbusto. Qual é a regra ? As vezes acho que quanto mais tempo você demora para vender o arbusto mais recompensas se recebe, alguém sabe ao certo como isso funciona?

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    Aedftp7gg9famjhm7dlkxgi swin nkqw9zdp5dplbpf=s96 c
  • Aedftp7gg9famjhm7dlkxgi swin nkqw9zdp5dplbpf=s96 c
  • Aedftp7gg9famjhm7dlkxgi swin nkqw9zdp5dplbpf=s96 c
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    Cabruxa cabruxa just signed up. Welcome, Cabruxa!
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