Agnmyxzfjzi lbvhnnatayw  an5qwxbt7goo0cdcdhr=s96 c?sz=100

Kimberly Anderson

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    Agnmyxzfjzi lbvhnnatayw  an5qwxbt7goo0cdcdhr=s96 c
    Kimberly Anderson commented on 2248 - Number Block Puzzle: 2248 puzzle infinity block

    You continue to make matches, but it does end and you end up in the next letter blocks. I'm hoping it's the same where I'm at. My personal board is at BZ, but leaderboard says CA. I'm still on infinity blocks. I'll wait until my personal board reads CA and it darned well better change back to regular letters.

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    Agnmyxzfjzi lbvhnnatayw  an5qwxbt7goo0cdcdhr=s96 c
    Kimberly Anderson just signed up. Welcome, Kimberly!
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