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Wolf Online Immortal

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  • RC Wolf
    RC Wolf

    the mod for invincibility/immortality,...may i ask how to transfer from a computer to a phone..

    i have an Lg phoenix 3..just so u know..

    im not using it to kill people, gave that up years ago, havent played the game in awhile, years to be more exact and im back to using it, but due to low lvl everyone keeps killing me, its not points that i would like to have, i just dont wish to have to deal with people who keep killing me over and over..


    my name on the game is:


    · 20 Oct 15:53

    Comment found on Wolf Online: who wants to know how...

  • Bubby

    First you need to install Es file explorer from the store, if you are an Android user it will be free if not then you have to play for it.
    Then follow these steps:

    1. Install OBB file > https://youtu.be/FLECMn52qMU

    2. Decompress obb zip file save it to sdcard>Android>OBB

    3. Rename obb (add a letter to the end of the OBB file)

    4. Install > Wolf Online - Super Mod.apk - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1nBPc58txQpc2loVlJDVjkxWE0/view?usp=drivesdk

    5. Rename OBB (take off the letter you added)

    6. Open make your self immo and max health and defence.

    7. Rename obb (add a letter to the end of the OBB file)

    8. Install > https://youtu.be/4EP5ux6cB-k

    9. Rename OBB (take off the letter you added)

    10. Open game and play to check your level, at this point you can touch your speed to level it up for free.

    11. Rename obb (add a letter to the end of the OBB file)

    12. Install > NEWGIRL29.apk - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1nBPc58txQpcVJzQ2ZOaXBDaUM2dmdYRTNZcExvNmNRaWRj/view?usp=drivesdk

    13. Rename OBB (take off the letter you added)

    14. Open game and play to check your level. You will be a POS at this point so people can kill you.

    15. Rename obb (add a letter to the end of the OBB file)

    When you want to be immortal again (so people stop killing you) do this:

    16. Install > Wolf Online - Super Mod.apk - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1nBPc58txQpc2loVlJDVjkxWE0/view?usp=drivesdk

    17. Rename OBB (take off the letter you added)

    18. Open game and play to make your self immo, click your health till you are immo. Click your attack and defence till it has a huge number, don't touch your speed (with the mod) unless you want glitch out of the map.

    19. Rename obb and play. (add a letter to the end of the OBB file)

    · 07 Mar 12:00

    Comment found on Wolf Online: how to become a pos in wolf online

  • Levi Stubbs
    Levi Stubbs

    here is the hack for it


    [string] STATUS_LEVEL_encryption_check 5004a41b3212d559c40986bcfa19db0a

    [int] STATUS_LEVEL 214748551

    [int] STATUS_LEVEL_used
    _key 9

    · 05 Dec 13:18

    Comment found on Wolf Online: Wolfonline immortal


    Zoey can u plz show me how to be immortal ill do anything for u its because people keep killing me i dont want to kill them i want to protect them sometimes plz people keep picking on me and attack me in groups i just want immortal power thats all plz i beg

    · 11 Jul 08:58

    Comment found on Wolf Online: Hello i have a Question...

  • Zoey Eagledotter
    Zoey Eagledotter

    There is one way you can become immortal without hacking that I know of, and that is the immo mod.

    · 19 Mar 16:51 1 thought this was helpful

    Comment found on Wolf Online: How to become immortal with out hack

  • Macy Askea
    Macy Askea

    3. How do you become immortal?

    · 06 Mar 19:22

    Comment found on Wolf Online: I have a few questions...

  • Zoey Eagledotter
    Zoey Eagledotter

    Tylor Mateos, you can find multiple codes on YouTube and the web, but I can get you started with the Immortal codes.
    1. make sure ur in wolf online and make sure ur in the one 2nd from top.
    2. type in the search box: stat
    3. only change 1s, 3s, and 0s (encryption checks and all).
    Here they are:
    used key: 9
    stat #: 214748551
    encryption check: 5004a41b3212d559c40986bcfa19db0a

    · 05 Mar 03:53

    Comment found on Wolf Online: Hello random ppl who also...

  • Joshua Diaz
    Joshua Diaz

    Can some one please tell me how to become a immortal in wolf online if you can tell me how to do that it will be very great full . thanks for reading

    · 31 Oct 00:28

    Comment found on Wolf Online: How do you get immortal

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