June's Journey: Hidden Objects
I believe we were one of the teams in the "new café" beta test.
At first you could give DL ribbons as all of your 5 beverages. People with lots of diamonds really took advantage of this. I have to confess we tried it our efforts to suplement our other play, as a way to keep up with the "Super Players", but was costly.
They now limit your DL drinks to, I believe 2 per night.
But we know players are finding ways to increase their scores.
Other than Magic Eye, which we've repeatedly ask them to put them in separate groups, there's also time zone issues.
As the DL competition is ending it's nighttime for most of our team. But teams in the Far East and even parts of Europe, have either almost another day or half day to play.
The response is everyone has the same number of hours, but in the final hours, we're sleeping.
Good luck on trying to level the playing good. We've been trying for some time without success.
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