60x60bbJune's Journey: Hidden Objects


June's Journey: Hidden Objects Exposed wires

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  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 44, Scene 1945 - London Street
    (1st clue) illuminated dormer /
    (2nd clue) pharmacy sign /
    1892 /
    airship /
    apple core /
    arrow /
    balcony /
    balloon /
    banana /
    bat /
    bell /
    bench /
    bow /
    bus /
    caduceus /
    cane /
    cat /
    chain /
    cracked glass /
    crown /
    crutch /
    curtain /
    drainpipe /
    eagle /
    envelope /
    exposed wires /
    fire hydrant /
    first aid kit /
    flashlight /
    gloves /
    hat /
    heart /
    hip flask /
    hole /
    initials /
    jar /
    ladder /
    leaf /
    letter A /
    lion /
    loudspeaker /
    moon /
    moss /
    newspaper /
    note /
    oil can /
    olive branch /
    open sign /
    paint stroke /
    paintbrush /
    paper bag /
    paper plane /
    pennants /
    pigeon /
    portrait case /
    rope /
    rope barrier /
    rose /
    round window /
    rust /
    scarf /
    scratches /
    shield /
    smoke /
    spring /
    stars /
    stethoscope /
    string of lights /
    suitcase /
    tassels /
    tic tac toe /
    traffic light /
    umbrella /
    wall cracks /
    wallet /
    web /
    windshield wiper /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.

    · 18 Jan 16:00

    Comment found on 1945. London Street

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 41, Scene 1926 - Christchurch Airport
    (1st clue) envelope /
    (2nd clue) Jack's plane /
    arrow /
    bell /
    blinds /
    boots /
    bottle /
    broom /
    bucket /
    butterfly /
    camera /
    cane /
    coffee flask /
    cone /
    crate /
    crowbar /
    dragonfly /
    exposed wires /
    feather /
    fire extinguisher /
    flag /
    flashlight /
    floor sign /
    folder /
    funnel /
    gas canister /
    goggles /
    hammer /
    handkerchief /
    handprints /
    hat /
    heart /
    horse /
    jacket /
    keys /
    lantern /
    laurel wreath /
    letter X /
    lion /
    loudspeaker /
    magnet /
    map /
    measuring tape /
    moon /
    mug /
    no smoking sign /
    number 26 /
    oil can /
    paint can /
    pallet /
    paper bag /
    pigeon /
    pliers /
    potted plant /
    puddle /
    pump /
    radio /
    Roman four ("IV") /
    rope /
    rust /
    sack /
    seashell /
    smoke /
    spring /
    stars /
    stop sign /
    sun /
    towel /
    umbrella /
    valve /
    vent /
    warning sign /
    wave pattern /
    windsocks /
    wing /
    wrench /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.

    · 26 Dec 03:38

    Comment found on 1926. Christchurch Airport

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 28, Scene 1862 - Roggy's Repairs
    (1st clue) cigarillo case /
    (2nd clue) hidden entrance /
    adhesive tape /
    alarm clock /
    arrow /
    bandage /
    belt /
    bicycle /
    blinds /
    blueprints /
    boots /
    brush /
    bucket /
    cane /
    car jack /
    car seat /
    cardboard box /
    check /
    clipboard /
    coffee flask /
    coveralls /
    crack /
    cracked glass /
    door pocket /
    driver's license /
    dust sheet /
    exposed wires /
    first aid kit /
    flag /
    flammable sign /
    footprints /
    gas canister /
    gloves /
    goggles /
    hammer /
    hand drill /
    handprint /
    hat /
    horse /
    keys /
    ladder /
    laurel wreath /
    license plates /
    lock /
    magnet /
    measuring tape /
    mop /
    nails /
    newspaper /
    number forty-one /
    oil can /
    oil spill /
    paint can /
    paper bag /
    patch /
    pencil /
    pliers /
    poster /
    pump /
    radio /
    rag /
    rope /
    sack /
    saw /
    scratches /
    screwdriver /
    smoke /
    sponge /
    spotlight /
    spring /
    star /
    suitcase /
    thermometer /
    toolbox /
    vent /
    wallet /
    wrench /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.

    · 29 Sep 16:25

    Comment found on 1862. Roggy's Repairs

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 26, Scene 1853 - Hair Salon
    (1st clue) self-help book /
    (2nd clue) salon chair /
    apron /
    arrow /
    artichoke /
    bamboo /
    belt /
    bird /
    blanket /
    boa /
    books /
    bottle /
    bow /
    braid /
    broom /
    butterfly /
    camera /
    cane /
    cat /
    clock /
    coat rack /
    coin purse /
    comb /
    cracked glass /
    crumpled paper /
    cushion /
    diploma /
    exposed wires /
    feather /
    fire hydrant /
    flag /
    flowers /
    frog /
    glove /
    grapes /
    handbag /
    handkerchief /
    hanging plant /
    hat /
    hatboxes /
    heart /
    horse /
    house number (77) /
    ladybug /
    laurel wreath /
    leaf /
    lizard /
    measuring tape /
    moon /
    newspapers /
    open sign /
    ottoman /
    paint can /
    paint stroke /
    paint tube /
    pearls /
    pendant /
    praying mantis /
    radio /
    scarf /
    scissors /
    scratches /
    seashell /
    shoebox /
    stars /
    string of lights /
    suitcase /
    sun /
    sunglasses /
    switches /
    tear-away flyer /
    tiara /
    trophy /
    umbrella /
    vent /
    wallpaper (peeling) /
    wave pattern /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.

    · 13 Sep 06:14

    Comment found on 1853. Hair Salon

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 24, Scene 1844 - Stuck in the Snow
    (1st clue) notebook /
    (2nd clue) car jack /
    arrow /
    axe /
    backpack /
    bats /
    bear trap /
    berries /
    bird nest /
    bones /
    boot /
    brushwood /
    cap /
    cave /
    chain /
    coffee flask /
    coins /
    compass /
    cracked glass /
    crowbar /
    curtains /
    envelope /
    exposed wires /
    first aid kit /
    flashlight /
    fox /
    gas can /
    gloves /
    hand drill /
    hook /
    horse /
    hose /
    initials /
    keys /
    lacing /
    laurel wreath /
    license plate /
    lion /
    lock /
    map /
    moss /
    mug /
    newspaper /
    notch /
    oil can /
    oil splash /
    owl /
    paper bag /
    paw prints /
    pinecones /
    pliers /
    puncture /
    raccoon /
    rag /
    ribbon /
    rope /
    sack /
    saw /
    scarf /
    scratches /
    screws /
    shovel /
    smoke /
    spring /
    squirrel /
    star /
    stream /
    suitcase /
    sun /
    toolbox /
    tree damage /
    tree stump /
    wallet /
    windshield wiper /
    wing mirror /
    wrench /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”

    · 05 Sep 17:14

    Comment found on 1844. Stuck in the Snow

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 24, Scene 1842 - Icy Road
    (1st clue) speedometer /
    (2nd clue) deer /
    ashtray /
    bird nest /
    Brody knob /
    cane /
    car horn /
    cigar /
    clock /
    clubs /
    comb /
    compass /
    cracked glass /
    crow /
    crown /
    crumpled paper /
    curtain /
    dead tree /
    dragonfly /
    envelope /
    exposed wires /
    fan /
    feather /
    fish /
    flag /
    flashlight /
    footprint /
    fox /
    glasses /
    gloves /
    handkerchief /
    hare /
    harmonica /
    heart /
    hip flask /
    hollow /
    hook /
    horse /
    laurel wreath /
    letter A /
    lightning /
    log /
    map /
    necktie /
    note /
    oil can /
    owl /
    paint splash /
    patch /
    pen /
    pendant /
    playing card /
    pliers /
    postcard /
    pouch /
    rip /
    rock /
    rope /
    ruler /
    rust /
    safety pin /
    scissors /
    scratches /
    screwdriver /
    shield /
    shoe /
    signpost /
    snow smear /
    star /
    tape grip /
    tassels /
    thermometer /
    umbrella /
    whistle /
    windshield wiper /
    wrench /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.

    · 03 Sep 17:34

    Comment found on 1842. Icy Road

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 22, Scene 1834 - Roughneck Main Street
    (1sts clue) snow shovel /
    (2nd clue) bakery window /
    1915 /
    airplane /
    arrow /
    banana peel /
    bell /
    bench /
    binoculars /
    bird /
    birdhouse /
    bottle /
    bricks /
    broom /
    brush /
    bucket /
    cake /
    cat /
    Christmas tree /
    clock /
    coffee flask /
    crumpled paper /
    curtains /
    cushion /
    dog /
    drainpipe /
    envelope /
    exposed wires /
    fallen branch /
    fire hydrant /
    flag /
    floral carving /
    flower planter /
    fringe /
    fuse box /
    green cross /
    hat /
    horse /
    icicles /
    ivy /
    least /
    license plate /
    loudspeaker /
    manhole cover /
    menu /
    newspaper /
    packages /
    paint cans /
    paint splash /
    paper bag /
    paw prints /
    pliers /
    pump /
    ribbon /
    rust /
    sack /
    satchel /
    scarf /
    scissors /
    shoes /
    shutters /
    ski pole /
    skis /
    sled /
    slingshot /
    smoke /
    snowflake /
    snowman /
    sting of lights /
    toolbox /
    traffic cone /
    vent /
    wallet /
    water tower /
    whistle /
    wreath /
    wrench /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.

    · 23 Aug 03:11

    Comment found on 1834. Roughneck Main Street

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 22, Scene 1832 - Snowy Clearing
    (1st clue) town sign /
    (2nd clue) distant house /
    apples /
    aviator cap /
    axe /
    backpack /
    barrel /
    basket /
    bear trap /
    belt /
    berries /
    binoculars /
    bird /
    bird nest /
    bottle /
    bucket /
    campfire /
    canister /
    canteen /
    chain /
    check pattern /
    coffee flask /
    compass /
    cracked glass /
    crowbar /
    exposed wires /
    first aid kit /
    flag /
    flashlight /
    fox /
    gear /
    glove /
    goggles /
    hare /
    headphones /
    hook /
    icicles /
    jacket /
    keys /
    knife /
    lantern /
    lightning /
    lock /
    magnet /
    map /
    mug /
    number 74 /
    oil can /
    pawprints /
    pincers /
    pinecones /
    pump /
    raccoon /
    rag /
    rope /
    rust /
    sack /
    saw /
    scarf /
    scratches /
    shovel /
    showshoes /
    skis /
    sled /
    smoke /
    spring /
    stars /
    suitcases /
    tin can /
    tobacco pipe /
    toolbox /
    tree stump /
    umbrella /
    wallet /
    water tower /
    windmill /
    wrench /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.

    · 20 Aug 05:25

    Comment found on 1832. Snowy Clearing

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 20, Scene 1822 - Don Carlos's Mansion
    (1st clue) engagement ring /
    (2nd clue) wad of cash /
    animal pelt /
    antlers /
    arrow /
    bell /
    bell pull /
    bulkhead light /
    candelabrum /
    candles /
    cane /
    chain /
    chest /
    cigar /
    clock /
    coat hook /
    crowbar /
    crown /
    curtain /
    drill /
    emerald /
    envelopes /
    exposed wires /
    Fabergé egg /
    feather duster /
    film reel /
    fire alarm /
    fire extinguisher /
    flashlight /
    floor plan /
    gift /
    globe /
    gloves /
    goat /
    goblet /
    halberd /
    hammer /
    handkerchief /
    hat /
    helical column /
    horse /
    hourglass /
    jacket /
    keys /
    leather shield /
    letter C /
    letter X /
    lighter /
    lilies /
    lion /
    lizard /
    mask /
    medal /
    nails /
    owl /
    pearls /
    pears /
    photograph /
    potted plant /
    pouch /
    rope /
    scarf /
    scroll /
    ship /
    snake /
    spear /
    spring /
    stepladder /
    sun /
    switch /
    teapot /
    thermometer /
    urn /
    violin /
    wallet /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.

    · 10 Aug 05:36

    Comment found on 1822. Don Carlos's Mansion

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Volume 8, Chapter 14, Scene 1795 - Fremont Street
    (1st Clue) Red Hat /
    (2nd Clue) Leopard Brooch /
    Apple Core /
    Arrow /
    Awning /
    Balloon /
    Banana Peel /
    Banner /
    Bats /
    Bottle /
    Broom /
    Camera /
    Cane /
    Car Horn /
    Cardboard Box /
    Cat /
    Chain /
    Cigar /
    Clock /
    Cloth /
    Clover /
    Cracked Glass /
    Crowbar /
    Crumpled Paper /
    Curtain /
    Dent /
    Dog /
    Envelope /
    Exposed Wires /
    Fire Hydrant /
    Flag /
    Glove /
    Handprint /
    Hanging Flowers /
    Heart /
    Horseshoe /
    Ivy /
    Keys /
    Ladder /
    Letter X /
    Lizard /
    Lockbox /
    Loudspeaker /
    Manhole /
    Molding /
    Moon /
    Moth /
    Mouse /
    Number Nineteen ("19") /
    Open Sign /
    Paper Bag /
    Poster /
    Puddle /
    Raven /
    Rope /
    Rose /
    Shutters /
    Smoke /
    Snail /
    Spiral /
    Spring /
    Stain /
    Stained Glass /
    Star /
    Suitcase /
    Sun /
    Taxi Sign /
    Tic Tac Toe /
    Ticket /
    Tiger /
    Topiary /
    Umbrella /
    Vent /
    Wallet /
    Web /
    Wheelbarrow /
    !PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.

    · 20 Jun 05:25

    Comment found on 1795. Fremont Street