June's Journey: Hidden Objects
Volume 8, Chapter 48, Scene 1964 - Animal Sanctuary
(1st clue) shelter sign /
(2nd clue) hole /
apron /
artichoke /
backpack /
ball /
banner /
barrel /
basket /
bell /
berries /
boarded wall /
bone /
boots /
bottle /
broken window /
broom /
brush /
bucket /
cane /
canera .
cardboard box /
clipboard /
clock /
crowbar /
curtain /
dog food /
dog sweater /
doghouse /
dry branch /
duck /
fir tree /
flag /
flashlight /
folding stool /
frost /
gramophone /
hammer /
handkerchief /
hat /
heart /
horseshoe /
icicles /
ivy /
ladder /
leash /
mittens /
moon /
mug /
number one /
paper plane /
pet door /
pigeon /
poster /
rock /
rope /
sandbags /
scarf /
sconce /
scratches /
seesaw /
sheep /
shovel /
ski poles /
snowflake /
snowman /
sponge /
spring /
string of lights /
sun /
teddy bear /
toolbox /
trash can /
tree stump /
wheelbarrow /
wooden collar /
wreath /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1964. Animal Sanctuary
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Email info: Adwarerecoveryspecialist (@) auctioneer.net
Telegram info: https:// t.me/adwarerecoveryspecialist1
I remember spending countless hours poring over the intricacies of cryptocurrency trading, and so I took a leap of faith and invested, with due diligence done. With cautious optimism, I entered this world of digital currency, ready to convert knowledge into profit. My research led me to what looked like a completely legitimate broker: it had a slick website, amazing testimonials, and even an onboarding process that smoothly went through. Everything checked out, and soon I started making small, successful withdrawals. The early wins encouraged me to scale up-investing a hefty $250,000 worth of Bitcoin.
For some time, the profits rolled in, my account balance looked promising, and I had no issues making minor withdrawals. This perceived success became a cycle that gave me the confidence to leave my money in the platform, believing I was on the fast track to financial freedom. That illusion came crashing down the moment I tried to withdraw a more significant amount. Suddenly, I was locked out of my account. Every attempt to contact support was met with silence. That's when it really dawned on me: I had been sold out to some scam broker, a fraudster who had wooed me with some initial successes just to grab everything when I lowered my defenses. Panic set in, but I was not going to give up. Determined to recover my funds, I hit the internet in search of a solution down to forums and reviews. That's where I came across ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST. The stories of how they recovered money from victims of crypto scams inspired me, so I had to reach out. Right from that very first point of contact, ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST has been a godsend: professional, sensitive, and highly competent. They understood my devastation and walked me through their process in a clear and reassuring manner. Their communication was consistent, their forensic tools state-of-the-art, and their knowledge of blockchain security unparalleled. To my immense relief, ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST managed to recover a significant portion of my lost Bitcoin. They didn't just recover my money but also educated me on how to protect my assets from further damage. If you ever find yourself in this nightmare, then ADWARE RECOVERY SPECIALIST is the team to go to. Their efficiency, transparency, and unmatched skill make them an absolute game-changer in crypto recovery. Don't hesitate—reach out and take back what's rightfully yours.
Comment found on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: 761
Volume 8, Chapter 48, Scene 1963 - Tenement Buildings
(1st clue) food basket /
(2nd clue) Irene's letter /
acorns /
apple core /
ashtray /
axe /
baby carriage /
ball /
banana peel /
beads /
bell /
bench /
bicycle /
binoculars /
bird /
birdhouse /
bottle /
broom /
brush /
cardboard box /
cat /
chicken wire /
chili peppers /
cooking pot /
dog /
dog bowl /
doll /
dried herbs /
fabric rolls /
firewood /
garlic /
gas can /
glove /
hammer /
handprint /
hanging lamp /
hay /
heart /
hedge shears /
house number /
keys /
knife /
ladybug /
lock /
macrame /
mailbox /
measuring tape /
mouse /
newspaper /
notebook /
paint can /
paint-splashed poles /
paintbrush /
pitcher /
pitchfork /
planks /
poster /
potted plant /
pruning shears /
rake /
rope /
sack /
satchel /
saw /
scarf /
screwdriver /
shoes /
shovel /
slingshot /
socks /
spool /
squirrel /
sun /
target /
teddy bear /
watering can /
web /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1963. Tenement Buildings
Volume 1, Chapter 23 - "Casino Floor" Walkthrough
01. Put coin into the coin slot
02. Pull handle
03. Get egg and open it
04. Spin the Jackpot Wheel
05. Get statue
06. Get casino chips
07. Put chips on #9 of roulette board
08. Put statue on center of roulette wheel
09. Move statue to lower the chandelier
10. Get diamond from the lowered chandelier
11. Use diamond to cut glass on slot machine
12. Turn 1st wheel 2x to get picture of egg
13. Turn 2nd wheel 1x
14. Turn 3rd wheel 2x
15. Get egg and open it
Comment found on "Casino Floor" Walkthrough
Volume 8, Chapter 48, Scene 1962 - Political Office
(1st clue) campaign poster /
(2nd clue) megaphone /
arrow /
bakery sign /
barrel /
books /
briefcase /
broken window /
broom /
bucket /
camera /
cane /
cat /
chalkboard sign /
chandelier /
chessboard /
clipboard /
clock /
coat rack /
diploma /
dog /
doorbell /
doves /
envelopes /
fire extinguisher /
fire hydrant /
folder /
footprints /
gloves /
guitar /
hat /
heart /
hook /
hourglass /
house number /
icicles /
ivy /
lantern /
laurel wreath /
leash /
license plate /
lock /
mailbox /
manhole /
milk bottles /
newspaper /
oil can /
paint can/
paint splash /
paintbrush /
paper bag /
pencil cup /
pennants /
portrait case /
potted plant /
pump /
radio /
rope /
rust /
scarf /
scratches /
sewing machine /
shoes /
shovel /
sled /
smoke /
sponge /
stop sign /
string of lights /
suitcase /
toolbox /
traffic light /
trash /
umbrella /
vent /
wallet /
wrench /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1962. Political Office
Volume 8, Chapter, Scene 1962 - Political Office
(1st clue) campaign poster /
(2nd clue) megaphone /
arrow /
bakery sign /
barrel /
books /
briefcase /
broken window /
broom /
bucket /
camera /
cane /
cat /
chalkboard sign /
chandelier /
chessboard /
clipboard /
clock /
coat rack /
diploma /
dog /
doorbell /
doves /
envelopes /
fire extinguisher /
fire hydrant /
folder /
footprints /
gloves /
guitar /
hat /
heart /
hook /
hourglass /
house number /
icicles /
ivy /
lantern /
laurel wreath /
leash /
license plate /
lock /
mailbox /
manhole /
milk bottles /
newspaper /
oil can /
paint can/
paint splash /
paintbrush /
paper bag /
pencil cup /
pennants /
portrait case /
potted plant /
pump /
radio /
rope /
rust /
scarf /
scratches /
sewing machine /
shoes /
shovel /
sled /
smoke /
sponge /
stop sign /
string of lights /
suitcase /
toolbox /
traffic light /
trash /
umbrella /
vent /
wallet /
wrench /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1962. Political Office
Volume 8, Chapter 47, Scene 1960 - Parlor
(1st clue) brandy snifter /
(2nd clue) torn letter /
1925 /
airplane /
arrow /
ashtray /
award /
basket /
bell /
belt /
blinds /
book /
bottle /
bow /
brush /
butterfly /
candelabrum /
cane /
cane sheath /
cat /
chessboard /
cigarettes /
coat rack /
comb /
croissants /
crown /
diamond pattern /
doily /
doll /
dustpan /
easel /
feather duster /
fire poker /
fireguard /
flock of birds /
floor lamp /
glasses /
gloves /
grapes /
handbag /
hatbox /
heart /
horse /
hourglass /
keys /
lacing /
letter S /
lion /
llghter (lighter) /
magnifying glass /
music stand /
necktie /
newspaper /
paper bag /
pearls /
perfume /
photograph /
plaque /
pouch /
Roman seven ("VII") /
rubber stamp /
scarf /
sheet music /
shoehorn /
shoes /
spiral /
stained glass /
star /
statue /
sun /
swan /
tassels /
teapot /
telephone /
umbrella /
violin /
yarn /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1960. Parlor
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE 31 Jan - 3 Feb 2025, 45 min. of play within 47-hr window, 2 min per round.
9 energy per round x 15 rounds per scene = 135 energy per scene.
Please do not erase English. Add other languages after it, separated by space and “/”.
Veuillez ne pas effacer l'anglais. Ajoutez d'autres langues après lui-séparées par un espace et «/».
No borre el inglés. Agregue otros idiomas después-separados por espacio y "/".
Пожалуйста-не стирайте английский. Добавьте после него другие языки-разделив их пробелом и «/».
Wis alsjeblieft geen Engels. Voeg erachter nog andere talen toe-gescheiden door een spatie en "/".
Si prega di non cancellare l'inglese. Aggiungi altre lingue dopo di essa-separate da spazio e "/".
Proszę nie wymazywać angielskiego. Dodaj po nim inne języki-oddzielając je spacją i „/”.
请不要删除英语。在其后添加990 其他语言,以空格和“ /”分隔。
Scene 1: V4-Ch4-Sc#894 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/894-aboard-arlene
Scene 2: V2-Ch45-Sc#723 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/723-conservatory
Scene 3: V6-Ch10-Sc#1274 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/1274-seaside-restaurant
Scene 4: V6-Ch29-Sc#1366 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/1366-airfield
Scene 5: V1-Ch25-Sc#121 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/121-larvotto-beach
Scene 6: V7-Ch47-Sc#1707 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/1707-texas-town
Scene 7: V1-Ch99-Sc#493 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/493-virginia-s-room
Scene 8: V7-Ch7-Sc#1508 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/1508-crime-scene-photo
Scene 9: V2-Ch6-Sc#529 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/529-east-corridor
Scene 10: V7-Ch36-Sc#1651 https://www.gamersunite.com/scenes/1651-motel-entrance
Thanks to ThatSleuthLife
Comment found on June's Journey: Hidden Objects - Vol. 7, Ch. 36 - On a Dark Desert Highway
Yeah, sounds like they need to redesign the CM board, so it doesn't happen again in the future. Here is their message on FB.
Comment found on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: I finished a sector in...
TY, Andy and Anonymous for the info. Very unfortunate board design this CM.
Comment found on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: I finished a sector in...