60x60bbJune's Journey: Hidden Objects


June's Journey: Hidden Objects Sweep the board scenes

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  • Mavin Kesal
    Mavin Kesal

    Oops, please ignore my first (and last?) comment. I just realized this is not a regular scene… that’s why there are so few objects… but for some reason, it is one of my Sweep the Board scenes, which has never happened before.
    As if Sweep the Board wasn’t hard enough before, they’ve made it even harder to finish without using diamonds, by taking away the ability to really practice the scene :(

    · 13 Dec 01:20

    Comment found on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: What is happening on Vol...

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Sweep the Board scenes are different for everyone. You'll have to show us a picture of what scene you are looking at or a description of the scene with 3 of the hidden objects.

    · 09 Oct 21:39

    Comment found on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: Where's the Greek ornament

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Everybody's Sweep the Board scenes are different. You have to show a picture of your STB scene, if you want help.

    · 19 Jul 04:30

    Comment found on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: 'Sweep the board scene 3

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    Sweep the Board scenes are different for everyone. You have to post a picture or describe it with some of the objects, if you want assistance. Best way to find is to play and remember 3 or more hidden objects, then use the Enhanced by Google search bar in the upper right corner of this page (may need to tap 3-lined menu button in upper right on mobile devices).

    · 10 Jul 16:59

    Comment found on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: What is the 3rd scene...

  • Ms. Tearius
    Ms. Tearius moderator

    @Maddy, Sweep the Board scenes are different for everyone, so you have to show us what scenes you need to find. @Wulventa, try using an ad blocker.

    · 08 May 18:58

    Comment found on June's Journey: Hidden Objects: SWEEP THE BOARD for the...