June's Journey: Hidden Objects
Volume 7, Chapter 14, Scene 1541 - Hell's Kitchen Alleyway
(1st Clue) Bandage /
(2nd Clue) Silhouette /
Arch /
Awning /
Axe /
Backpack /
Banner /
Baseball Bat /
Bat (Flying ~) /
Beer /
Bicycle /
Broken Bottle /
Broom /
Bucket /
Cane /
Car /
Cat /
Chain /
Chair /
Circus Tent /
Clothesline /
Coat /
Construction Cradle /
Cracks /
Crow /
Dead Branches /
Electricity Sign /
Envelope /
Fire Alarm /
Flag /
Fragile Sign /
Gloves /
Hand Pump /
Hole /
Hook /
Ice Cream /
Initials /
Knife /
Lantern /
Letter X /
Loudspeaker /
Mailbox /
Manhole /
Moss /
Moth /
Music Note /
Nests /
Paint Strokes /
Paper Bag /
Parachute /
Patch /
Raccoon /
Rat /
Rope /
Sack /
Sandwich /
Scaffolding /
Scarf /
Sconce /
Shield /
Shovel /
Shutters /
Smoke /
Snake /
Sock /
Spool /
Spring /
Star /
Stop Sign
Suitcase /
Suspenders /
Switch /
Toolbox /
Tree /
Umbrella /
Valve /
Web /
!PLEASE DO NOT ERASE. Other languages may be added after English, separated with space and “/”.
Comment found on 1541. Hell's Kitchen Alleyway