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Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town Hearts

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  • Sheikh Hussein
    Sheikh Hussein

    Powerful Native African Traditional Healer Sheikh Hussein Witchdoctor, Spell Caster and Psychic Healer - Call ☎ +27765274256 I do Black Magic Services, Traditional Healing Services, Business Cleansing, Luck Cleansing, Human Cleansing, Home Cleansing, Protection, Take Away Misfortune, Shield Negative Energy, Exorcise Evil Spirits, Love Spells, Retrieve A Lover, Heal Relationships,Stop Breakup, Mend Broken Hearts, Marriage and Divorce Spell Caster. Sheikh Hussein ☎ +27765274256 E-Mail: [email protected]

    · 11 Sep 19:54

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: artichoke

  • Jada Miller
    Jada Miller

    Just keep feeding it healthy food or buy the weight loss potion for 300 or Less hearts

    · 25 Nov 20:32

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: Weight loss

  • Miguel Pena (Golden Vlogger)
    Miguel Pena (Golden Vlogger)

    When you start the game to the right will be a door icon on top of the other icons. Then when your outside click the shovel in the bottom right. There will be a list of flowers and other stuff. There will be a bunch of tabs click the one at the right. There will be a bus stop thing. Drag it to a empty space. No space? Then remove the stuff with the buldowser at the left when in the shovel menu. If the bus stop is grayish that means your level 1. If you want to level up then you go to the egg stand next to your house. Click it and 2 buttons will appear. Click the one that says level up and then press upgrade. If you don't know how to get hearts and it doesn't work to get more go back to your house by clicking it. Then play with your Pekka pet by dragging it up to the roof and then let go. Another way is to tap your pet. Hold down a place on the floor and your pet will run there. Already did that? Then after a while you can play with your pet again after a while. Only action to play with that is reusable and still give you hearts is the one that you drag it to the ceiling and drop it continusely. Don't know how to walk? At the right of the screen on top of all of the icons there's a door icon. Click it. Then you will be outside to walk hold down a space you want to go your pet will go there. Once you place the bus stop go on top by going on the stairs and click the door icon then you will be at the town! This was long to make:(

    · 17 Apr 20:47

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: how do you get a...

  • Taylor Dowell
    Taylor Dowell

    Go to the movie theater. You can get free hearts ^-^

    · 22 Nov 12:11

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: My pakka pet is about...

  • Il Canale Di Un Ragazzo Che Ama L'Informatica
    Il Canale Di Un Ragazzo Che Ama L'Informatica

    You get hearts only if the pet leave, if die the doctor rebuke you

    · 26 Jun 14:16

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How do you get blue...

  • Crocus Flower
    Crocus Flower

    my friend's pet died when it got too thin. She didn't feed it.
    it turns into a ghost that looks like a balloon angel. not sure if they give hearts but I'm more inclined to the thought that it won't give any for being a bad owner : /
    There's two options: start new pet (via egg button) or continue (with life seed button)
    pets usually leave letters a day or two after maturation and leaves hearts (determined by how well you took care of it)

    · 16 Jun 08:04

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: When does a pakka pet...

  • Ari Ni
    Ari Ni

    Thanks! I got all the books ☺ Also, do u know when does a pakka pet die? I heard u get hearts after it leaves or dies.

    · 12 Jun 21:26

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How do you get blue...

  • Poppy Isobel
    Poppy Isobel

    I had tanji with high training and it was full and happy to the maximum, I also gave it a lot of food that helps you evolve and it was thin. I got clipper by having low training, it Was chubby and I didn't feed it any food over 50 hearts, I kept giving it meat that you can buy from the shop

    · 23 May 20:23

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: I can ' t get...

  • dorothy in the land of ozsome
    dorothy in the land of ozsome

    You can make heart gems in alchemy bt you have to use three really high star rated food like diamond fruits as long as they are three star food with high value you should get heart gems then mix the heart gem with other high quality foods the higher the quality the more hearts you receive.

    · 14 Apr 10:06

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: Howhat can you earn a...

  • dorothy in the land of ozsome
    dorothy in the land of ozsome

    You can also get hearts with great gems by using alchemy usually takes three really good items like the star items ex: diamond fruit. Crystal donut. Magic gourds

    · 14 Apr 09:54

    Comment found on Pakka Pets Village - Build a Cute Virtual Pet Town: How does one get fairy...